Thanks to WKYC-TV in Cleveland/Akron, Ohio
If you struggle with falling asleep or staying asleep, it's always a good idea to take a look at your diet. Eating certain foods a few hours before bed, can help bring sleep better and improve its quality.
Almonds: They contain magnesium which promotes both sleep and muscle relaxation. They also supply enough protein to help maintain a stable blood sugar level. Try a just a handful or a tablespoon of almond butter.
Tea: No caffeine but decaf varieties, like chamomile, are helpful and safe sleep aids. Green tea contains theanine which also helps promote sleep. Just make sure the green tea is decaf. Try a 1 cup serving.
Miso Soup: The broth-based soup often served in Japanese restaurants is also available in 8-ounce instant packs. Miso contains amino acids that can help boost the production of melatonin, a natural hormone that helps make you sleepy.

Dairy: Yogurt, milk and choose also contain tryptophan. But calcium too works as a good stress reliever.
Oatmeal: A warm bowl is rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon and potassium, all important nutrients that support sleep. But go easy on sweeteners. Too much sugar can have an anti-calming effect.
Hard-boiled egg: High in protein, this satisfying snack can help you stay asleep.
Edamame: Especially helpful for women who are dealing with menopause-related sleep symptoms. The natural estrogen-like compounds found in soy based products like edamame can help control those nighttime hot flashes that can disturb sleep.
Cherries: Whether frozen, dried, fresh or in juice form, researchers found that they naturally boosted the body's supply of melatonin. Tart cherries proved even more effective.
Cereal: A small bowl of whole-grain cereal that's low in sugar may also help you sleep soundly. That's because complex-carbohydrate rich foods boost tryptophan in the bloodstream.
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