Monday, April 25, 2011

Why Warm Milk Before Bedtime Helps Us Sleep

This is interesting.  Do you know why dairy products help us fall asleep? According to WebMD, dairy products are high in tryptophan, which is a sleep-producing substance. Other foods containing tryptophan include poultry—that’s why Thanksgiving turkey makes us sleepy—bananas, oats and honey.

Seems carbohydrate-rich foods complement that glass of milk by increasing the level of sleep-inducing tryptophan in the blood. A bowl of cereal and milk makes a good pre-bedtime snack…so do yogurt and crackers or bread and cheese.

Other insights on foods that can help or hinder sleep include avoiding alcohol and caffeine. We’ve heard that before. But WebMD suggests you balance each alcoholic drink with a glass of water to dilute the alcohol’s side effects. And, though you may be avoiding caffeine before bedtime, watch for hidden caffeine in chocolate, soda, and even decaffeinated coffee.

And, if you struggle with insomnia, having a small snack before going to bed can help you sleep. Foods high in fat are a no-no though. Research shows that high-fat foods cause disruption to our sleep cycles.

Getting you eight glasses of water during the day is a good thing. But drinking fluids after 8:00 PM is likely to have you getting up during the night to use the bathroom. Now that sounds like good common sense!

For more ideas see the WebMD slideshow “Foods That Help or Harm Your Sleep.” Good stuff.

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