Thursday, February 17, 2011

Nightmares—They Wake You Up, Disrupt Your Sleep

According to the International Association for the Study of Dream, just about everyone has had a nightmare at one time or another. Children have more nightmares, which appear to be related to normal development. Nightmares in adults are less common but 5 to 10% of adults have nightmares once a month or more frequently.

So what is a nightmare? They’re very distressing dreams which forces an awakening and in which the dreamer feels a disturbing emotion such as anger, guilt, fear, sadness or anxiety. The theme of a nightmare can vary from person-to-person. Being chased is perhaps the most common nightmare.

Knowing what causes your nightmares could help you in stopping them. Taking certain medications or withdrawal from medications can cause nightmares; so can illness and fever. Stress or a traumatic event can also cause nightmares. If you can pinpoint the cause of your nightmare, you are closer to dealing with what may be concerning you while you’re awake.

Of course, the International Association for the Study of Dreams also points out that about half of people who have frequent nightmares regard them as “fascinating and creative acts of the mind,” and dismiss them as just dreams. So, your attitude toward nightmares can play an important part of reacting to nightmares.

Combating nightmares can be as simple as using relaxation methods before going to bed—things like taking a hot bath, listening to soothing music, doing meditation. Of course, you wouldn’t want to read the latest Stephen King novel before bed if you fear having nightmares. And, if your nightmares are really keeping you from having a good night’s sleep night-after-night, it may be time to visit your doctor.

To learn more about dreaming visit Ryan Hurd’s Dream Studies blog. Ryan has an MA in Consciousness Studies and a Certificate of Dream Studies from John F. Kennedy University.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi, i am an adult that is 23 years old, i am having this nightmares, this nightmares seems to be true, what should i do
