Friday, March 25, 2011

Awareness of Sleep Apnea in Mumbai is Low, Those at Risk is High

Doctors in India have been worried about the rising number of sleep disorder cases in the city of Mumbai. And now, a recent community research study shows that only 4% of the population actually knows about sleep disorders. The study further shows that about 12% of the urban population is at risk for obstructive sleep apnea.

In the United States, an estimated 2% of Americans—or about 5.4 million people—are undiagnosed but have sleep apnea symptoms. Education and awareness is important to preventing the additional complications that come with sleep apnea such as high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes and others.
In India, the social stigma attached to snoring makes people reluctant to see a doctor. Many consider snoring a subject of ridicule and try to hide it from family members. Consequently, many people are also unaware of the dangers of sleep apnea.

Dr. Rakesh Datta conducted the community research and said, “This lack of awareness is like a ticking time bomb.”

Read the whole story.