Folks who prefer data capable CPAPs are going to like the newest feature added to the Transcend travel CPAP. In their most recent improvement to Transcend, Somnetics International Inc. engineers have added AHI and leak detect features. Measuring AHI is not new to CPAPs, but it is a new standard feature on the Transcend, thereby giving users added value at no additional cost.
AHI, or apnea-hypopnea index, is used to assess the severity of a patient’s sleep apnea and is a numerical measure that accounts for the number of pauses in breathing per hour of sleep. Leak detection helps assess the appropriateness of the mask used by the patient. In measuring AHI and leak detection, Transcend also helps assess the efficacy of the patient’s pressure setting. Valuable to both patients and doctors, this information can be used to identify issues with the therapy and to determine how changes to the system setup affect overall treatment.
In addition to basic compliance data, AHI and leak detection data is stored on the device and can be downloaded to a computer using a data card or directly via the USB port. Transcend comes with proprietary software that lets the patient email data directly to his or her physician. How cool is that?
For a full list of online and retail dealers selling Transcend, please visit the Transcend website.
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